1. Issues in Profile Page

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  1. The cover photo is consuming half of the space in the screen so when a user enters he only gets a glance of 1st track from the listing.

  2. The font weights used here are again so heavy and consumes unnecessary attention

  3. When you are following someone then the button carries the primary color which should be reversed as it works as a CTA.

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  1. The arrow options below the follow button are the button for sorting the list but it doesn't give any context even while hovering on it and is not so intuitive.

  2. The listing of tracks carries a lot of information this disturbs the information hierarchy present on the card.

    1. At one side duration of the song
    2. No. of times it was played.
    3. Favorite and Repost are communicated twice one for informing and another for action

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  1. A user can't play all the songs of his fav artist in a queue.

1.1 Solutions

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  1. The size of the Cover photo was reduced to a standard size. this allows users to see at least 2-3 track listings on the page.

  2. Font weights were studied and adjusted properly. Also, there was a new font used which also gives it a clean and elegant look.

  3. The following CTA was made prominent and will only seek attention when asking for a user to click on the follow button later it will be neutral.

  4. The sorting button was made intuitive and prominent so that without hovering or interacting with it as well someone can understand the sorting order of tracks.

  5. The card was redesigned to accommodate all the information in a concise manner.

    1. Information and actions based on Favourite and Repost buttons were combined together to remove the clutter.
    2. The count of listeners was also communicated visually.

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  1. Added a Playall button to allow users to play all the songs of their fav. artists this can reduce multiple clicks by the user. The button also gives a good visual balance.

2. Issues in Listing Pages